
Our Research

Welcome to the Food Allergy in Children Priority Setting Partnership.

Our goal is to establish the Top 10 research priorities for food allergy in children. To do that we are looking for contributions from people who have or care for someone who has a food allergy.


Why are we doing this study?

We are working with the James Lind Alliance to find out what patients with food allergy, parents/carers and health professionals think are the most important unanswered research questions, which we don’t have answers for. You can find out more in this video.

What are the most important questions to research in food allergy in children? We need your help to find out. Tell us something that’s important to you, that you want the answer to.


What is a ‘research priority’?

A research priority is a question, concern, interest, or uncertainty you have about any aspect of food allergy in children that has not already been answered by research which you think is important. This can include: preventing food allergies, what may have led to the allergy, through diagnosis, to any treatment and health care and the impact of living with an allergy.

We want to hear about your experiences of food allergy in childhood – tell us something that’s important to you, that you don’t know the answer to. Your first-hand experience in these matters will help us understand the top priorities for research into food allergy in children.


What will happen to the results of the research project?

The results of this project will inform future research in food allergy in children, and make sure the questions being researched are important to patients, carers and healthcare providers.

We will publish our results on this website and on the James Lind Alliance website, in research journals and we will present our findings at meetings and conferences. We will share the results of this project with partners by social media email and newsletters. You should be able to find out about our results in the same place you found out about this survey. Visit the James Lind Alliance webpage dedicated to this Food Allergy in Children PSP.